Source code for asyncdex.models.chapter

import asyncio
import re
from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
from os import makedirs
from os.path import exists, join
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple

from aiohttp import ClientError

from .abc import GenericModelList, Model
from .group import Group
from .mixins import DatetimeMixin
from .user import User
from ..constants import invalid_folder_name_regex, routes
from ..utils import copy_key_to_attribute

logger = getLogger(__name__)

    from .manga import Manga
    from ..client import MangadexClient

[docs]class Chapter(Model, DatetimeMixin): """A :class:`.Model` representing an individual chapter. .. versionadded:: 0.3 """ volume: Optional[str] """The volume of the chapter. ``None`` if the chapter belongs to no volumes.""" number: Optional[str] """The number of the chapter. ``None`` if the chapter is un-numbered (such as in an anthology). .. note:: A chapter can have a number, a title, or both. If a chapter's number is ``None``, it must have a title. """ title: Optional[str] """The title of the chapter. ``None`` if the chapter does not have a title. .. note:: A chapter can have a number, a title, or both. If a chapter's title is ``None``, it must have a number. """ language: str """The language of the chapter.""" hash: str """The chapter's hash.""" page_names: List[str] """A list of strings containing the filenames of the pages. .. seealso:: :attr:`.data_saver_page_names` """ data_saver_page_names: List[str] """A list of strings containing the filenames of the data saver pages. .. seealso:: :attr:`.page_names` """ publish_time: datetime """A :class:`datetime.datetime` representing the time the chapter was published. .. seealso:: :attr:`.created_at` .. note:: The datetime is **timezone aware** as it is parsed from an ISO-8601 string. """ manga: "Manga" """The manga that this chapter belongs to.""" user: User """The user that uploaded this chapter.""" groups: GenericModelList[Group] """The groups that uploaded this chapter.""" read: bool """Whether or not the chapter is read.""" def __init__( self, client: "MangadexClient", *, id: Optional[str] = None, version: int = 0, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): = False super().__init__(client, id=id, version=version, data=data) @property def name(self) -> str: """Returns a nicely formatted name based on available fields. Includes the volume number, chapter number, and chapter title if any one or more of them exist. :return: Formatted name :rtype: str """ if self.number: constructed = "" if self.volume: constructed += f"Volume {self.volume} " if self.number.isdecimal(): num_rep = float(self.number) if num_rep.is_integer(): num_rep = int(num_rep) else: num_rep = self.number constructed += f"Chapter {num_rep}" if self.title: constructed += f": {self.title}" return constructed else: return self.title @property def sorting_number(self) -> float: """Returns ``0`` if the chapter does not have a number, otherwise returns the chapter's number. :return: A number usable for sorting. :rtype: float """ return float(self.number) if self.number.isdecimal() else -1
[docs] async def pages(self, *, data_saver: bool = False, ssl_only: bool = False) -> List[str]: """Get fully formatted page URLs. .. note:: The given page URLs are only valid for a short timeframe. These URLs cannot be used for hotlinking. :param data_saver: Whether or not to return the pages for the data saver URLs. Defaults to ``False``. :type data_saver: bool :param ssl_only: Whether or not the given URL has port ``443``. Useful if your firewall blocks outbound connections to ports that are not port ``443``. Defaults to ``False``. .. note:: This will lower the pool of available clients and can cause higher latencies. :type ssl_only: bool :return: A list of valid URLs in the order of the pages. :rtype: List[str] """ if not hasattr(self, "page_names"): await self.fetch() r = await self.client.request( "GET", routes["md@h"].format(, params={"forcePort443": ssl_only} ) base_url = (await r.json())["baseUrl"] r.close() return [ f"{base_url}/{'data-saver' if data_saver else 'data'}/{self.hash}/{filename}" for filename in (self.data_saver_page_names if data_saver else self.page_names) ]
[docs] async def download_chapter( self, *, folder_format: str = "{manga}/{chapter_num}{separator}{title}", file_format: str = "{num}", as_bytes_list: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True, retries: int = 3, use_data_saver: bool = False, ssl_only: bool = False, ) -> Optional[List[bytes]]: """Download all of the pages of the chapter and either save them locally to the filesystem or return the raw bytes. :param folder_format: The format of the folder to create for the chapter. The folder can already be existing. The default format is ``{manga}/{chapter_num}{separator}{chapter_title}``. .. note:: Specify ``.`` if you want to save the pages in the current folder. Available variables: * ``{manga}``: The name of the manga. If the chapter's manga object does not contain a title object, it will be fetched. * ``{chapter_num}``: The number of the chapter, if it exists. * ``{separator}``: A separator if both the chapter's number and title exists. * ``{title}``: The title of the chapter, if it exists. :type folder_format: str :param file_format: The format of the individual image file names. The default format is ``{num}``. .. note:: The file extension is applied automatically from the real file name. There is no need to include it. Available variables: * ``{num}``: The numbering of the image files starting from 1. This respects the order the images are in inside of :attr:`.page_names`. * ``{num0}``: The same as ``{num}`` but starting from 0. * ``{name}``: The actual filename of the image from :attr:`.page_names`, without the file extension. :type file_format: str :param as_bytes_list: Whether or not to return the pages as a list of raw bytes. Setting this parameter to ``True`` will ignore the value of the ``folder_format`` parameter. :type as_bytes_list: bool :param overwrite: Whether or not to override existing files with the same name as the page. Defaults to ``True``. :type overwrite: bool :param retries: How many times to retry a chapter if a MD@H node does not let us download the pages. Defaults to ``3``. :type retries: int :param use_data_saver: Whether or not to use the data saver pages or the normal pages. Defaults to ``False``. :type use_data_saver: bool :param ssl_only: Whether or not the given URL has port ``443``. Useful if your firewall blocks outbound connections to ports that are not port ``443``. Defaults to ``False``. .. note:: This will lower the pool of available clients and can cause higher download times. :type ssl_only: bool :raises: :class:`aiohttp.ClientResponseError` if there is an error after all retries are exhausted. :return: A list of byte strings if ``as_bytes_list`` is ``True`` else None. :rtype: Optional[List[bytes]] """ if not hasattr(self, "page_names"): await self.fetch() pages = await self.pages(data_saver=use_data_saver, ssl_only=ssl_only) try: items = await asyncio.gather(*[self.client.get_page(url) for url in pages]) except ClientError as e: if retries > 0: logger.warning("Retrying download of chapter %s due to %s: %s",, type(e).__name__, e) return await self.download_chapter( folder_format=folder_format, as_bytes_list=as_bytes_list, overwrite=overwrite, retries=retries - 1, use_data_saver=use_data_saver, ssl_only=ssl_only, ) else: raise else: byte_list = await asyncio.gather(*[ for item in items]) [item.close() for item in items] if as_bytes_list: return byte_list # NOQA: ignore; This is needed because for whatever reason PyCharm cannot guess the # output of asyncio.gather() else: base = "" if not as_bytes_list: chapter_num = self.number or "" separator = " - " if self.number and self.title else "" title = ( re.sub("_{2,}", "_", invalid_folder_name_regex.sub("_", self.title.strip())) if self.title else "" ) # This replaces invalid characters with underscores then deletes duplicate underscores in a # series. This # means that a name of ``ex___ample`` becomes ``ex_ample``. if not self.manga.titles: await self.manga.fetch() manga_title = self.manga.titles[self.language].primary or ( self.manga.titles.first().primary if self.manga.titles else ) manga_title = re.sub("_{2,}", "_", invalid_folder_name_regex.sub("_", manga_title.strip())) base = folder_format.format( manga=manga_title, chapter_num=chapter_num, separator=separator, title=title ) makedirs(base, exist_ok=True) for original_file_name, (num, item) in zip( self.data_saver_page_names if use_data_saver else self.page_names, enumerate(byte_list, start=1) ): filename = ( file_format.format(num=num, num0=num - 1, name=original_file_name) + "." + original_file_name.rpartition(".")[-1] ) full_path = join(base, filename) if not (exists(full_path) and overwrite): with open(full_path, "wb") as fp: fp.write(item)
@staticmethod def _get_number_from_chapter_string(chapter_str: str) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[str]]: if not chapter_str: return None, None elif chapter_str.isdecimal(): return float(chapter_str), None else: # Unfortunately for us some people decided to enter in garbage data, which means that we cannot cleanly # convert to a float. Attempt to try to get something vaguely resembling a number or return a null # chapter number and set the title as the value for the chapter number. match ="[\d.]+", chapter_str) return None if not match else float(, chapter_str
[docs] def parse(self, data: Dict[str, Any]): super().parse(data) if "data" in data and "attributes" in data["data"]: attributes = data["data"]["attributes"] copy_key_to_attribute(attributes, "volume", self) copy_key_to_attribute(attributes, "title", self) copy_key_to_attribute(attributes, "chapter", self, "number") copy_key_to_attribute(attributes, "translatedLanguage", self, "language") copy_key_to_attribute(attributes, "hash", self) copy_key_to_attribute(attributes, "data", self, "page_names") copy_key_to_attribute(attributes, "dataSaver", self, "data_saver_page_names") self._process_times(attributes) self._parse_relationships(data) if hasattr(self, "_users"): self.user = self._users[0] del self._users if hasattr(self, "mangas"): # This is needed to move the list of Mangas created by the parse_relationships function into a # singular manga, since there can never be >1 manga per chapter. self.mangas: List[Manga] self.manga = self.mangas[0] del self.mangas
def _process_times(self, attributes: Dict[str, str]): super()._process_times(attributes) copy_key_to_attribute( attributes, "publishAt", self, "publish_time", transformation=lambda attrib: datetime.fromisoformat(attrib) if attrib else attrib, )
[docs] async def fetch(self): """Fetch data about the chapter. |permission| ``chapter.view`` :raises: :class:`.InvalidID` if a chapter with the ID does not exist. """ await self._fetch("chapter.view", "chapter")
[docs] async def load_groups(self): """Shortcut method that calls :meth:`.MangadexClient.batch_groups` with the groups that belong to the group. Roughly equivalent to: .. code-block:: python await client.batch_groups(*user.groups) """ await self.client.batch_groups(*self.groups)
[docs] async def mark_read(self): """Mark the chapter as read. |auth| .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ self.client.raise_exception_if_not_authenticated("GET", routes["read"]) r = await self.client.request("POST", routes["read"].format( = True r.close()
[docs] async def mark_unread(self): """Mark the chapter as unread. |auth| .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ self.client.raise_exception_if_not_authenticated("GET", routes["read"]) r = await self.client.request("DELETE", routes["read"].format( = False r.close()
[docs] async def toggle_read(self): """Toggle a chapter between being read and unread. Requires authentication. .. versionadded:: 0.5 .. note:: This requires the read status of the chapter to be known. See :meth:`.get_read_status` or :meth:`.ChapterList.get_read`. :raises: :class:`.Unauthorized` is authentication is missing. """ if await self.mark_unread() else: await self.mark_read()
[docs] async def get_read(self): """Gets whether or not the chapter is read. The read status can then be viewed in :attr:`.read`. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ r = await self.client.request("GET", routes["manga_read"].format( self.manga._check_404(r) json = await r.json() r.close() = in json["data"]